Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Common Stitch's Fawn Dress

I visited the fabric store in Rotterdam for the first time a few weeks back and saw this light blue gingham on the shelves. I've been looking for something like this for a while now to use for a summer dress. I follow an instagram account of someone in Vienna who knits a lot of colourful garments, and on her feed there was an image of a friend of hers wearing a blue checkered dress. I really liked the fit and the style and wanted to try and make it for myself.

Common Stitch released a pattern a few years back; the Fawn dress. I used this pattern and adapted it. I added pleats instead of gathers and lengthened and widened the sleeves. I also shorted the bodice so that it ends just above my waist instead of below.

The Fawn Dress

I wore the dress a lot whilst on holiday and I wish I made the skirt a bit longer and the pleats bigger so that the skirt is more full, but those are my only remarks. It's interesting to think though that every time I make something myself there are always things I can think of that I want to do differently, whilst if I buy something in a shop I always accept it as is. Maybe it's because I know how it's put together so it's easier to adjust, or because I myself am my own worst critic.

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